
The emerald is a gem that has a natural ability of evoking love and spreading it. It is said that the emerald has the capability of exhibiting its divine vibrations to the fullest extent when it is worn on the heart. This is because; the Anahata chakra dwells in the region of the heart chamber. The Anahata chakra is located in the centre of the human body. It links the human conscious directly to the super conscious (GOD). It is seen as the middle horse of the seven horses pulling chariot of Sri Surya Narayanan (Sun god). It is also governed by the planet Mercury(Buthan) which is accepted as the most auspicious planet in the solar system. The day of Buthan/Wednesday  is also the day in the middle of the week! The yantra for Anahata chakra is seen as two equal triangles facing up and down within a circle. Many recognize this to be the ‘Star of David’ or ‘Saravanabhava-the yantra often associated with lord Skantha,(murugan). The two triangles  denote the rightful desire and rightful knowledge respectively. Scientifically it represents the mingling of the proton and the neutron, the foundation for all creations in the universe. This is the main reason! why the Pendant is said to be the combination of the rightful desire and the rightful knowledge will allow us to make right and unfaltering decisions in life. Divine mother Sri Maha Nitya Maragathambal is the divine manifest- tation of the rightful desire. She showers her children with endless love and nourishes us throughout our lives. The divine energy helps the photosynthesis process enabling the plant kingdom to live on to support the rest of other kingdoms. During the photosynthesis the leaves grabs the sun radiance and produce chlorophyll and become emerald coloured. The divine energy in fact the embodiment of LOVE. The Hindu’s call her Devi Maragathambal. Devi’s name derived from the ‘Maragatham’ meaning green and ‘Ambal’ meaning mother. She is the presiding deity of the Madurai Meenatchi Amman Temple in India. By embedding this  magnificent gem in the middle of the ‘Skantha or Star of Davis’ and wearing it on the heart chamber, one will be able to invoke the love of divine energy. She will guide him or her by giving them the rightful desires and energizing their Anahata chakra. She will also help the aspirant to eradicate hate within and free him/her from unnecessary desires (Maya). This in turn will build love for all of GOD’s creations. Once a man is filled with love, his/her stay on this planet will nothing other than a blissful experience. This is because he will learn to see all creations as an embodiment of the divine. For one such man, divine mother’s blessing are certain and she will reside in heart.
That is why Shree Surya Narayanan Ashram has chosen these symbol has our emblem and encourage all our disciples and devotees to wear that as a ‘Emerald stat pendant’  in their heart chamber (Anahata Chakra). EMERALD works the best if it is worn in the heart chamber. 

The specially designed emerald pendant is made by the instruction of our great master who is the embodiment of these sacred tradition. All the pendant is blessed or energized by the master Shree Surya Narayanan. For those who are interested in ordering the sacred ‘Emerald pendant’  from us, we can assure you of the quality because we closely work with qualified gem mist. Malaysians can visit our gem mist personally . OVER SEA Residents always can reach us through our email for further discussion or placement of order. Let’s the EMERALD DIVINE LOVE spreads through the entire world.

Email address:-  shreesurya56@gmail.com       
H/P +60122846055       +60122389775
Om Sri Nee Nath 
 Sacred Emerald 

Properties: Emerald is a symbol of love and good fortune. This stone is used for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty. It used against negative energy and has been used in many forms of divination. Most effective on the Heart Chakra perhaps because it access desires held deep within. Emerald provides inspiration and helps those in
need of balance, healing, and infinite patience. Lifts depression, helps with insomnia, knowingness of the heart and peaceful dreams. Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. The pale, clear, green Emeralds are valuable in meditative work, as well as healing. It works best when combined with a Diamond or worn alone. It gives wisdom from the mental plane, so that the possessor is motivated to give love and wisdom to others. Do not wear an Emerald constantly. It should only be worn when the wearer feels the need to have it near. They were used to strengthen memory, to aid in eloquence, and to reveal the truth or falsity of a lover's oaths.

Folk Remedies: This crystal is the most recommended stone for breathing issues, heart health, swollen lymphnodes, blood problems, the thymus, the pancreas ( for blood sugar rebalance), labor/delivery, eyesight, and the etheric field. Excellent general healer. Emerald was considered an ancient blood detoxifier and anti-poison. Helps strengthen the backbone and alleviates problems associated with sugar diabetes. Emeralds are of special value to athletes, chiropractors, lecturers, marriage counselors, masseurs, optometrists, people who work in radioactive areas, and those who work in close quarters. It improves psychic abilities, raises consciousness, and helps the individual attain balance. Also enhances the immune system. Feng Shui: Emerald is used primarily in the Southeast direction for wealth, in the Southwest direction for relationships and in the North for personal growth and journeys.

History: A member of the Beryl family of stones, Emerald, (Be3Al2Si6O18) is found in shades of green varying from very light to very deep. It deep color is due to the presence of chromium. The "emerald cut" was created to avoid chipping the corner of the stone and helps to enhance the color. Emeralds have been prized by the ancient Babylonians and Indians, loved and honored by Cleopatra and made into stunning jewelry by the Egyptians. Emeralds were also used by the Aztecs, Incas and Mayan cultures for carving, adornment and medicine.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

                                        The green of life and of love

The green of the emerald is the colour of life and of the springtime, which comes round again and again. But it has also, for centuries, been the colour of beauty and of constant love. In ancient Rome, green was the colour of Venus, the goddess of beauty and love. And today, this colour still occupies a special position in many cultures and religions. Green, for example, is the holy colour of Islam. Many of the states of the Arab League have green in their flags as a symbol of the unity of their faith. Yet this colour has a high status in the Catholic Church too, where green is regarded as the most natural and the most elemental of the liturgical colours.

The magnificent green of the emerald is a colour which conveys harmony, love of Nature and elemental joie de vivre. The human eye can never see enough of this unique colour. Pliny commented that green gladdened the eye without tiring it. Green is perceived as fresh and vivid, never as monotonous. And in view of the fact that this colour always changes somewhat between the bright light of day and the artificial light of a lamp, emerald green retains its lively vigour in all its nuances.

                                               The Emerald Tablet

The origin of the Hermes' Emerald Tablet has posed just as much of a mystery as does its interpretation.  The Emerald Tablet is the cornerstone of western alchemical thought.  Alchemy is the practical application of the Hermetic Philosophy which is contained, in total, in its 13 succinct portions.  Hermes Trismegistus (thrice great), a supreme magus, is the author of the transcendent masterpiece called "The Emerald Tablet" which is the most revered magical / transcendental writing in all of Western mysticism.  The date of its origin is unknown, however, some translations of the tablet go back to the 12th century and much earlier.  The Emerald Tablet has challenged many of the greatest minds the world has ever produced, and numerous commentaries have been offered.  Sir Isaac Newton's draft of The Emerald Tablet is reproduced below. A version in modern english follows that of Sir Isaac Newton and I have included my own translation /commentary.

  1. The Emerald Tablet 
  2. Isaac Newton 
  3. Tis true without lying, certain & most true. 
  4.  That wch is below is like that wch is above & that wch is above is like yt wch is below to do ye miracles of one only thing. 
  5. And as all things have been & arose from one by ye mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation. 
  6.  The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nourse. 
  7. The father of all perfection in ye whole world is here. 
  8.  Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth. 
  9.  Seperate thou ye earth from ye fire, ye subtile from the gross sweetly wth great indoustry. 
  10. It ascends from ye earth to ye heaven & again it desends to ye earth and receives ye force of things superior & inferior. 
  11.  By this means you shall have ye glory of ye whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you. 
  12. Its force is above all force. ffor it vanquishes every subtile thing & penetrates every solid thing. 
  13. So was ye world created. 
  14. From this are & do come admirable adaptaions whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this. 
  15. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole world. 
  16. That wch I have said of ye operation of ye Sun is accomplished & ended

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes 
(Modern Version)

  1.  True, without falsehood, certain and most true, 
  2.  that which isabove is as that which is below and that which is below is as that which is                      above or the performance of the miracles of the One Thing. 
  3. As all things are from One, by the mediation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. 
  4. The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother, the Wind carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth. 
  5. It is the father of all perfection, or consummation of the whole world. 
  6. Its power is complete if it be turned into earth. 
  7. Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, deftly, and with great ingenuity. 
  8. It ascends from earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives the power of the superiors and of the inferiors so thou hast the glory of the whole world and all obscurity will flee before you. 
  9. This is the fortitude of all fortitude, overcoming every subtle thing and penetrating every solid thing. 
  10. This is how the world was created. 
  11. Hence were all wonderful adaptations produced in this way. 
  12. Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. 
  13. What I have to tell concerning the operation of the Sun is complete.

                                The Emerald In The Western World

The Emerald Tablet is one of the most revered documents in the Western World, and its Egyptian author, Hermes Trismegistus, has become synonymous with ancient wisdom. His tablet contains an extremely succinct summary of what Aldous Huxley dubbed the "Perennial Philosophy," a timeless science of soul that keeps popping up despite centuries of effort to suppress it. The basic idea is that there exists a divine or archetypal level of mind that determines physical reality, and individuals can access that realm through direct knowledge of God.

The teachings of Hermes -- the Hermetic tradition -- is one of the oldest spiritual traditions in the world, and while no direct evidence links the Emerald Tablet to Eastern religions, it shares uncanny similarities in concepts and terminology with Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. In the West, the tablet found a home not only in the pagan tradition but also in all three of the orthodox Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), and many of the most heretical beliefs of the Gnostics are also openly expressed in it. Like the authors of the tablet, the Gnostics believed that direct knowledge of reality could be attained through psychological discipline and meditative exercises. They also shared a common view of the universe in which "All Is One," a pattern of creation and decay symbolized by the Ouroboros (the snake eating its own tail).

Without doubt, the Emerald Tablet was the inspiration behind many other esoteric traditions, including over 1,700 years of alchemy. Most medieval alchemists hung a copy of the tablet on their laboratory wall and constantly referred to the "secret formula" it contained. In fact, during the sixteenth century, Hermes Trismegistus was such a revered figure that there was a movement to have his teachings replace those of Aristotle in European schools.

Five hundred years later, the tablet's words are still held in the highest regard. "The Emerald Tablet is the cryptic epitome of the alchemical opus," noted Jungian analyst Dr. Edward Edinger, "a recipe for the second creation of the world." Ethnobotanist and consciousness guru Terence McKenna agrees, calling the tablet "a formula for a holographic matrix" that is mirrored in the human mind and offers mankind its only hope for future survival. "Whatever one chooses to believe about it," sums up John Matthews in The Western Way (Penguin 1997), "there is no getting away from the fact that the Emerald Tablet is one of the most profound and important documents to have come down to us. It has been said more than once that it contains the sum of all knowledge -- for those able to understand it."

However, there is one nagging problem with the Emerald Tablet: Nobody seems to know for sure where it came from, or who really wrote it

om sree nee nath